Verification and validation are actions within a systems engineering ‘V’ for creating a product that demonstratably serves customers’ needs.
Verification is intended to check that a product, service, or system meets a set of design specifications. WOB on a drilling rig may easily be verified by analyzing the output of the drill string weight sensor and the compensation application.
Validation is intended to ensure a product, service, or system meets the operational needs of the user. WOB measured at the surface without continuous application of an accurate model of the friction losses through the wellbore is unlikely to be validated as true WOB. This difference has been measured at 30% deviation. Consequently, verification without validation can mislead the data user.
This team can bring verification to the drilling industry in a recommended manner - especially when multiple agents are acting on an automated process. This is something we sorely need.
Validation should surely follow but take one step at a time.
The scope & purpose of the Verification and Validation Subc...
Verification and validation are actions within a systems engineering ‘V’ for creating a product that demonstratably serves customers’ needs.
Verification is intended to check that a product, service, or system meets a set of design specifications. WOB on a drilling rig may easily be verified by analyzing the output of the drill string weight sensor and the compensation application.
Validation is intended to ensure a product, service, or system meets the operational needs of the user. WOB measured at the surface without continuous application of an accurate model of the friction losses through the wellbore is unlikely to be validated as true WOB. This difference has been measured at 30% deviation. Consequently, verification without validation can mislead the data user.
This team can bring verification to the drilling industry in a recommended manner - especially when multiple agents are acting on an automated process. This is something we sorely need.
Validation should surely follow but take one step at a time.